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Is This A Trick Or Does He Actually Want Me To Come ? - Printable Version

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Is This A Trick Or Does He Actually Want Me To Come ? - Nellie - 04-08-2014 08:24 PM

I met this guy about a month and a half ago. I like him & apparently he likes me. This horrible year 11 who was friends with us decided to put her foot in it and try to make him hate me. She was obviously jealous of our friendship. I don't like her anymore as i have received mean snap-chats and messages from her, i blocked her on every social media website. She has made things awkward between me and him. When i messaged him they were on Skype to each other, she told him what to say. He went along with it because he thought i hated him, when i didn't. (the year 11 made it up) Then i had a conversation with him on Facebook. We sorted everything out, Here's the conversation:

Me: You don't hate me now do you? xxx

Him: Never did

Me: Ella told me you didn't like me so I was just wondering if it was true xxx

Him: Yer I don't no why she said it Sad

Me: So r we still friends then?

Him: Yes xxxxx Smile

Me: Okay Smile won't see u again tho. xx

Him: Why, u not skating anymore xxxx

Me: Yeah neither is Rachel xxx

Him: Why xxxx

Me: Ella has been horrible to us xxx

Him: Just ignore her don't make her stop u coming xxxx

Me: Yeah but she's been really harsh and I don't wanna go and get beaten up xxx

Him: Did she say that she would xxxx

and then i forgot to answer..... is this a trick? Is the year 11 telling him what to say? Is he only saying he wants me to come so she can have a go at me and he can laugh? Everyone is saying I'm blowing it out of proportion and i always think of the negative side of things (i do that allot) but i just want to make sure!

- Sarah - 04-08-2014 08:30 PM

I'd go and have fun it sounds like he likes you and wants you to go so go and have fun. However take precaution it might be a trick but I can't be for sure. Just go and if that Ella girl says anything just ignore her and smile and go back to your date. If she says anything about hitting you just say sorry you don't deal with immature little girls and ignore her