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How much should I charge per month for my internet marketing members area? - Printable Version

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How much should I charge per month for my internet marketing members area? - Duane - 04-08-2014 08:25 PM

Each month subscribers will receive 2 interviews with experts, exclusive pdfs, mail bag questions
answered in detail (powerpoint). There will be a forum for members, exclusive training videos in the members area with mp3 versions for members to download. Plus afew more ideas.
How much per month should I charge?

Serious answers only please.

- STEVE S - 04-08-2014 08:27 PM

whats the pr of your site? would determine how much people might pay you to advertise on your site.

- oyelade - 04-08-2014 08:41 PM

Just #500

- Jake - 04-08-2014 08:54 PM

That's really quite a moderate offering, that might be best viewed as a prospect retention device, keeping you in touch with people who have demonstrated a willingness to take out their credit cards. More often that level of information would be offered fro free to bring in prospects for larger services like personal coaching or JV referrals to others' larger programs. If you are charging I suggest $9.97 to $19.97.

Stompernet which has a 'faculty' of big IM names and quite a library of recorded training material originally charged $800/mo which included some coaching, now that the material is less fresh they are charging I think about $197/mo, I got about a gig of their training material they were offering in free promotion a while ago.