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how to delete photos on facebook chat ? - Printable Version

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how to delete photos on facebook chat ? - mobinil_ moon - 04-08-2014 08:26 PM

Hello. I sent some pictures to someone. When I try to remove the images from the chat. The Facebook remove the images from my chat only. The images remain when the other person as they are. how can i delete the photos from all of us ?
i tried to Block my friend but it still there,
please guys i need much help to delete this photos,
thanks, have a nice day

- The Original Joe - 04-08-2014 08:30 PM

Everything on Facebook is there forever.

- kyle - 04-08-2014 08:32 PM

What he said ^

- abraXus - 04-08-2014 08:37 PM

there is no way to prevent the other person being able to see the things you send them via private messages... it works like email... once you send it, they own it... you cant delete emails you send to other people, you cant erase a voicemail from someone's phone - it's the same thing on facebook

- Kacie - 04-08-2014 08:39 PM

well, its still in the web somewhere, but the way to make them invisible to the average person, would be to left click on the message, and select "delete" it will just make it severely more difficult for someone else to find.

- machotti1 - 04-08-2014 08:46 PM

To delete any pic it depends on UR settings please click on the setting button to learn what UR options are. If u have private settings or invite friends only with the options for only u remove the pic u put up are available. Also FB has many other options depending on many other variables. Also u can mute the pic by clicking on the settings button while the pic u want muted is showing, the mute option will appear on the screen, & it will be hidden. Always an option....
To find more options to remove pics from UR face book or pics u posted on FB for more info. You are sure to find great instructions. Also if pics u posted have been copied from FB by another member then thats a different issue.
It may be better to deactivate u FB account. Then Change UR identity open another account keeping in mind that u have changed your settings to friends only or private. This will give u more options & control .
If u want public settings then everything u put on FB is out there in cyber space forever.

- john - 04-08-2014 08:51 PM

Sorry dear, there is no way to doing this.
You just try to block him but it is not a solution.
So just ignore them.