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My boyfriend enjoys viewing and commenting on model's pages and photos on Facebook. Is this normal? - Printable Version

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My boyfriend enjoys viewing and commenting on model's pages and photos on Facebook. Is this normal? - Anna - 10-15-2012 08:46 PM

I've been going out with this guy for 5 months and just recently I noticed he has been liking several model's pages and photos on Facebook, one page in particular titled "Gym Hotties" where buff girls pose semi-nude in bikinis and short shorts. At first I confronted him about it and told him it's disrespectful for him to do that online especially when I can see it on my timeline. It doesn't make me feel insecure it's just bothersome and it looks BAD. He explained the reason why he likes these photos is because they are popular and by liking them several people on his network will be drawn to his page and he will gain more fans for his future car company. At first I bought it, and then I thought it was complete bull shit after noticing that not only was he liking these model's photos. He was also commenting them. He has said things like "Dammmn she looks good!" and (the one that has bothered me the most) "I want to go to the midwest just to try to find a girl like this! That's perfection all around." What in the world does that mean? Should I be worried? And how do I confront him about this? In no way am I trying to be insecure, it just looks really bad especially when I can see this on my timeline every time I go on Facebook. And then again, I don't want to make this whole thing seem like a big deal seeming how Facebook is just a stupid online social network where people are free to be stupid and look stupid as they please. Any sincere advice will be appreciated.

- Tuhin - 10-15-2012 08:54 PM

Every guy, will go crazy infornt of gals
they just want to do show off you see, which is completely natural

But TRUST me in my relation like we got break up and patch up for more that 10 times
Facebook is main reason why she blast at me all the time :|
Just a suggestion, don't be insecure and keep on nagging about it, so soon just ignore it,
You can goto you can hide those post in your timeline.
But you can also give him a hint that your not liking that
and your getting jealous.

- Felisa - 10-15-2012 08:54 PM

If you are looking to be more famous or find more followers or likes or views or everything you can always try to purchase some and then the real ones will start to come!
Fake stats make you more trustable so more people are going to like your content Smile
A lot of websites are selling these services but what i choose is
Because they are fast and theis support is top notch Smile
Give it a shot !