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Can I sell stuff on facebook? - Printable Version

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Can I sell stuff on facebook? - Demeter - 04-08-2014 08:27 PM

I have a ton of stuff - clothing, shoes, books, bags, and so forth - that I want to get rid of. I'm planning on taking most of it to consignment stores and doing a garage sale when it warms up, but I also wanted to use social media.
Would I be able to post a picture of the thing that I'm selling, on Facebook, with some info about it, say that I'm selling it, the rough amount I'm asking for it, and contact info if people are interested? I'm curious if this is legal and if anyone has had experience with this/sold stuff to their friends on Facebook before.
Thanks in advance!

- cloveryer - 04-08-2014 08:35 PM

yes there are facebook groups for selling items especially in college towns
or just use craigslist

- dak - 04-08-2014 08:37 PM

You prbly can but it wont be that effective... My best thign, would be to use craigslist and put out a garagesale ad in your area and just take a picture from a distance of all your stuff and give a brief description

- Jason - 04-08-2014 08:43 PM

why don`t you do a CAR BOOT sale when weather warms up then you can put a price on them their that's what I do in SUMMER TIME
my brother did a CAR BOOT a few wks ago and made £300 the charge for stall was £12 THAT was at LEVER STREET Bolton uk

- desertcities - 04-08-2014 08:45 PM

Yes, as already mentioned do a FB search of around where you live and you might be surprised at all of the various garage sale type groups. I live in a rather rural area that we're not even listed in Craigslist. But surprisingly we had like 4 garage sale groups.

Your goal is to find something local especially is you use Craig's List. If not local, then try selling on eBay.

Good Luck!

- dana - 04-08-2014 08:48 PM

there are yard sale facebook pages to sell stuff on, and craigslist works well too

- newstyle - 04-08-2014 08:54 PM

Yeah,great way for advertisement

- Daniel - 04-08-2014 08:54 PM

Yes you Can Sell Stuff On Facebook as Far as i Know its Legal They Dont Have Any Shopping Features Tho So you Have to Post a Picture and Price and All That On your Own And You Have to Collect There Payment Information You Mite Want to Make a Online Shopping Site and Post the Link to there On Facebook