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How to get YouTube Subs Fast? - Printable Version

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How to get YouTube Subs Fast? - Michael - 04-08-2014 08:27 PM

Is there any other popular site like

I really need to gain a lot of subscribers, and I'm done waiting. I don't care if it cost money, I need subscribers now.

And I don't need answers like, "Share it with your friends" and "Put popular tags" and "share it on forums" and "Social media"... these don't work.

Also I don't need bots... I need REAL people to subscribe.

So... is there any good sites that will get me popular. I don't care if it's free or it cost money.
Also, I'm sorry if I was gonna cheat for subscribers, but I need attention for my videos and such.

- Decho - 04-08-2014 08:32 PM

Don't cheat for subscribers.

- JacksonML - 04-08-2014 08:35 PM

Buying subscribers will only increase the number of subs you have. MAke sure you're making quality material that people would enjoy. Go back and watch your videos. Would you watch this video during your Freetime if you were someone else? If not decide what needs to be improved and work on that. Part of it could be investing in a quality video editor (I personally use Sony Vegas Movie Studio 12 which is about $49 on amazon) and editing out bland parts of the video. Try to target your audience and go on other peoples videos and say something like "Haha love this video. This inspired me to make my own!" Don't say "come check out my channel to see it" because it will appear as spam. If you want more views earn your subs don't buy them.

- Jerry - 04-08-2014 08:43 PM

If your that stupid to pay money for subs and views go nuts because all your doing is wasting your money. What you and so many others seem to not realize is that the number of subscribers you have isn't important. What is important is the number of active subscribers you have. These are the people who will watch, share, and help promote your content. You could have all the subs on YouTube that you could ever want, but if nobody is watching your videos then its pointless.