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Does this shy guy like me? - Printable Version

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Does this shy guy like me? - Kelly - 04-08-2014 08:30 PM

ok so he's like super cute and I've known him since august (it's February) and we've been friends since then but he's just so shy! he started following me in social media and stuff and likes my pictures etc and we FaceTime a lot and snapchat a lot and text a lot --- but that's on the weekends. during the school week during the only class we have together he doesn't even make an effort to talk to me and then he will text me and say hey when r u gonna talk to me at school? and then he'll say but my friends like you just talk to me! but I'm shy too and one of his bestfriends is my good friend and he (the guy I like) always comments on how much I talk to his bestfriend and not him. he's complimented me before and we've facetime for a good 4 hours when we do FaceTime, but idk if he actually likes me. we casually joke around where we'll be like 'obvi ur so sexy' and it's just fun but idk if he actually likes me. and idk how to talk to him in person when he seems to avoid me during school. :/

- Wallah all lies - 04-08-2014 08:36 PM

I think he is really shy! I think you should make the move first instead if him but make sure it will be next time his turn

- nope - 04-08-2014 08:45 PM

i think he definitely likes you lol, im a shy guy and hes braver than most