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Please help me im worried? - Printable Version

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Please help me im worried? - Peter - 04-08-2014 08:30 PM

Ok so i was browsing a forum yesterday and saw a post with a picture attached, i couldn't make out what the picture was so i clicked on to it. The picture was a screenshot of another post that someone had made where they had posted a picture of child pornography, the image was censored, when i saw what it was i exited the forum immediately and blocked it through my virus protection and through my ISP's website. I want to know does this count as viewing child pornography because i don't want to get in trouble with the law if it does and if it does will anything happen to me because i didn't intentionally go looking for child pornography and if i knew that it was child pornography i wouldn't have clicked on it. Please help im freaking out

- Andrew - 04-08-2014 08:31 PM

Dont worry,it is a simple mistake. Its not like you are downloading it or regularly viewing it. As far as the law is concerned this stuff it difficult to detect, u have nothing to worry about. Its not like u intentionally searched for it.

lol, u make me laugh

- CrazyBandit593 - 04-08-2014 08:35 PM

Yes. The police will come pick you up shortly. Better pack a bag for prison.
Seriously, that can hardly be considered a crime of intent. Just don't go back.

- Display Name - 04-08-2014 08:43 PM

No you can't get in trouble for it. If anything was to come of it they would see that you were tricked etc. you did the right thing by reporting it and blocking it. If you saved the picture that would be classed as making a graphic image and if you forwarded it on then that would be classed as distributing pornography. Don't lose any sleep over this.