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Can someone help me with blog name ideas? - Printable Version

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Can someone help me with blog name ideas? - ebdance7 - 04-08-2014 08:30 PM

I'm thinking about starting up my own blog that is basically about my life experiences and journeys. I'll probably cover things like fashion and travel as well as they become relevant to my life. My hometown is in New England, but I currently go to college in Colorado. While I have a love of discovering new things and traveling to new places, I still feel strongly connected to New England and my family back home. I want my blog to be about the life experiences of a New England girl as she ventures out into unchartered territory. I have been trying to come up with an appropriate domain name for my blog that reflects this. Some ideas that I have thought of so far are... "wickedsweet" and "awickedjourney". The word 'wicked' is a term that is unique to New England so I was thinking of using it in the name. Any thoughts? I would also appreciate any other name ideas. Thanks!

- ImranShojib - 04-08-2014 08:37 PM

I think awickedjourney is good.