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How to find a mother who didn't willingly give you up when you were a child? - Printable Version

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How to find a mother who didn't willingly give you up when you were a child? - Becka - 04-08-2014 08:31 PM

I am looking for my mom. She would be around 40-49 years of age. Last known location was in oklahoma. She has moved around alot. Her name is Sherry Lynn Jones or Sherri Lynn Jones. She has 3 daughters. I am the oldest. I know she did not want to give me up, we were taken from her. I think I may have found something about her but I have to pay for the information. Funds are limited. I just want unresolved questions that I have with her to be answered. Any help would be helpful!

- proudtoes555 - 04-08-2014 08:32 PM

Google and social media will be your best bet, especially without paying any fees. It can be difficult- but sometimes it can be easy.

First, I would do a Google search or her name. There are sites that will list people with the name (and you can search by state) and also list other names that might be associated- a relative or a new name (if she married and her name changed). Often, even if you have to pay for information you can get SOME useful information from the search results.

Also, try searching newspapers- especially if you can further limit the area to a county or city and surrounding area. Her name may be mentioned in an obituary (as a surviving relative of a parent, for instance)- and the other names listed would give a clue.

I would suggest you keep a notebook devoted to your search. On the first page, right all that you know. Put a symbol by the information that you know to be accurate. As you search, use different pages for new information- for instance, date searched, results you think are useful and keep notes by each indicating, for instance, that this number is disconnected or that this person suggested you try such and such... You can highlight information that seems most useful.

I would try Facebook (search Sherry Jones or Sherri Jones) initially. Also, again if you know a county or city look for Facebook pages/groups for that area and ask on there (even if she is not there, others may have information to help you). If you know what school she might have attended, try sites for that...

Best wishes!

- TrekGirl - 04-08-2014 08:37 PM

My cousin's birth family found him through His bio sister posted a description and dates, and someone emailed her with my cousin's name. Turned out to be a match. It might be a long shot, but it might also be well worth it.