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Do you think i'm attractive? - Printable Version

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Do you think i'm attractive? - Jordan - 04-08-2014 08:31 PM

First and foremost, I am not looking for attention. If you think that, then you might as well leave.

Alright, so i'm a 15 year old guy, and I've never had trouble getting girlfriends. I've had 8 to be exact. But I've always wondered if girls have dated me for my personality, which in my opinion can be quite romantic, or my 'looks'.

Throughout my life I have definitely received compliments on my physical appearance, but I have never had solid feedback from a group which is what I would like to do now. I can't be bothered cropping and uploading photos, so i'm simply going to link my instagram and if you could follow it, observe my photos and then come back and post your thoughts, then I would be very appreciative.

I'm going to ask that you don't follow me or like any of my photos as I don't want this taken down as inappropriate use of Yahoo Answers, but I can not control your actions, so do as you will.

It may be difficult to tell if i'm attractive or not, but give it your best try. Thanks.
I definitely understand that it may be difficult to make a definitive analysis.

- Azalea - 04-08-2014 08:37 PM

yah i totally think you're attractive!