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Could you tell me if this website is worth launching please? - Printable Version

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Could you tell me if this website is worth launching please? - Richard - 04-08-2014 08:32 PM

I have been learning PHP and I have built a website as a practice tool. I would like it to be a local thing, basically a Yelp for web agencies, freelancers. What do you think - shall I kill it or launch it? Here it is: I basically do not want to spend anymore time on it if it does not solve any problem for users. This is not an advert rather a genuine opinion quest.
Telling me to try it is not an option - please give me your honest answer or just skip

- ??? - 04-08-2014 08:39 PM

Only one way to find out for sure...give it a go.

- Diggstumble - 04-08-2014 08:41 PM

the site sounds great in theory however most agencies don't want to be compared to other agencies, unless they are the best. So monetization from agencies will be low unless you have the traffic.

- uhp - 04-08-2014 08:43 PM

I think you should give it a try. But as a web design and marketing agency, I would like to know that how you would be ranking businesses and what factors would be taken into consideration. Just to know that its a fair comparison. I think its a unique concept and if you try to polish it it should work!