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Verizon data plan? - Printable Version

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Verizon data plan? - Indigo Love! - 04-08-2014 08:33 PM

I just got my first smart phone several days ago. Last night I check my data and it says I have used up 0.305 Mb out of 2 g. I have been trying to close out all apps if I use them and not go on them for a while either. I also use wifi when I'm at someones house too to help preserve data. My sister told me today that if I don't turn off my 4g lite network it can suck up data. I honestly didn't mean to be so careless. Will my mom be charged extra or just the 40 dollars a month she pays. We both share a plan so its actually good to teach myself how to use something sparingly. Will my mom be charged extra?

- Nicole - 04-08-2014 08:42 PM

If you go over your data plan of 2G then yes, she will be charged extra - although I don't know how much. Data is such a pesky thing on phones, especially with things like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter nowadays. The best way to save your data is turning on and connecting to wifi whenever possible - this is straight through the internet and doesn't take up data at all.

When I was at the store a while ago, they said that it's really hard to go over 2G of data per month - which I don't believe whatsoever. If you have an iPhone, you're doing the right thing by closing out all apps. If you're on an Android or some HTC phone, there is an app called Advanced Task Killer - get this and click it every time you exit a program. It kills the app you were in so it totally closes it out and it's not running "behind the scenes."

It's just because 4G LTE is much, much faster than 3G you'll go through data much faster. So I would just listen to your sister and keep doing what you're doing with monitoring the data you use and turning on wifi when possible. No big deal - it's your first smart phone and most of us have already been there. If you do go over maybe you should just help pay for it. I don't think it'll be an insane amount of money extra. Smile

If it becomes a huge problem where you're going through all the data really fast and you're using the phone like normal, I would see if if you could get a little bit more data for your plan, but I'm not sure if that's possible - just a thought.

I hope this helps!