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My laptop can't connect to internet while all others can? - Printable Version

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My laptop can't connect to internet while all others can? - Makenna - 04-08-2014 08:33 PM

I'm going to start by saying that I am VERY technologically stupid.
We recently got a new cable motum and it created a lot of problems, allowing only two of five or six devices to actually connect to internet. Our cable people fixed it by changing channels I think. But last night the internet went out but this morning everyone could reconnect to the internet expect for my laptop. It just says limited connection and i don't know how to fix this. I've tried rebooting the computer, making sure everything is all plugged in and forgetting and reconnecting but nothing works. I can connect to another one that isn't ours and has no password but for some reason I can't use my own internet. Does anyone know how to fix this? Thanks!
I tried restarting the computer, forgetting and retrying the network and restarting the router but it still isn't working...?

- mdigitale - 04-08-2014 08:39 PM

There are several reasons this can happen. Have you ever been able to connect to your new cable modem and surf the internet?

- Dennis - 04-08-2014 08:45 PM

why don't you try deleting the wireless connection and then reconnecting again. make sure you have the password at hand. if this doesn't work try to unplug your modem and (I assume you have a wireless router since you are talking about 6 other devices connected to it) wireless router for 20 seconds and then plug in you modem and router.

Hope this helps