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Found a fake Facebook profile? - Printable Version

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Found a fake Facebook profile? - Monty M - 10-15-2012 08:46 PM

So I came across a Facebook page that was using my pics and vids as there own with a made up name. From the look of things someone create a fake person to talk to females. The only thing I think of to have them charged with is copyright infringement. My question is do you think the police would track this person down? I know in bigger picture it's not a huge deal for the cops

- Aliza - 10-15-2012 08:55 PM

You can report or block that profile.

- IT-Pro - 10-15-2012 08:55 PM

Report it to facebook. See if they can help you.
If it seems overly creepy or offensive you could involve the police.

Once a photo is on the internet, it's there forever and can be copied.........

- Christian - 10-15-2012 08:55 PM

You happened to come across a page using your pictures? Lets call a spade a spade... no you didnt.

From the look of things, nobody would want to use your pictures to talk to females.

From my perspective it seems as though you are stalking yourself, your pictures are taken with a phone - they are not good. The hits on your so called FB page seem to be coming from you. nobody is copyright infringing you - nor would they.

- bcnu - 10-15-2012 08:55 PM

You can report the page (and any other page on any website) for copyright infringement and it must be "promptly disabled" if the online service provider doesn't want to be the one getting sued. You can then decide if you want to sue the FB member who violated your copyright by uploading images without your permission. You can register your copyright in the US Copyright Office and then sue for statutory damages of up to $150,000, plus you get your court costs and attorney fees paid if you can prove their violation was "willful", i.e., you had copyright notice on your things when you posted them online, etc.

If they removed your copyright notice, that is an additional violation worth $25,000 for each one.