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How do big online retail companies get traffic? - Printable Version

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How do big online retail companies get traffic? - Rik - 04-08-2014 08:33 PM

How do big companies like Amazon, Zappos, Zales, Diamond, etc. get their traffic?

I've heard they use very smart tactics.

- Jake - 04-08-2014 08:40 PM

Since these businesses have collected very solid statistics on the value of the average new customer, they can use paid advertising with high confidence that it will pay off in the long run, in some cases that new customer may have to make 2 or 3 purchases before breaking even.

A common tactic, also available to the small operators is Ad Retargeting, in which an anonymous cookie is placed in your browser when you first visit such a site, allowing them to show you ads around the internet beckoning you back, studies have found it takes up to 7 exposures to a brand or product name before some trust it enough to buy.
European regulations and browser design trends may be killing this cookie based marketing method.

- D3ADxSi7eNCe - 04-08-2014 08:48 PM

There are many things done to do this. The best of course is word of mouth marketing which would be done by commercials/ads and sales people. another way to get traffic is to rank high in a search from google/yahoo type sites. the way they do this is in the coding of their sites. for example, since "Zales" specializes in jewelry, this would be a "keyword" that would need to be in the coding of their site. there is the coding that can be seen and there is coding that can't be seen when you have the website in front of you. the one that can be seen is just in the site, so what this means is that they would have to try and use the word "jewelry" as many time as they can in the site. like when advertising a diamond ring they would put "diamond ring jewelry", gold necklace jewelry" and so forth. then they would have to do the same thing in the backend coding. usually putting "jewelry" as many times as they can in between the codes made for the normal things in the site. this is all an example and i am using this word just bc it is easy but it isn't as easy as that. they conduct focus groups, primary research, secondary research and other marketing tactics to see what codes they need to have the most in their coding so they can rank up when someone searches that keyword. so, when they find these keywords they can incorporate it into their site/codes. Go to all their sites and i'm sure you will notice some words or phrases that are used more. this is one hidden way that most people don't know that can rank up your site...the methods that i have mentioned are my favorite methods to rank up and get traffic for a business. there are many more marketing tactics used to achieve business for a company.