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is the internet in the uk policed or is it free? - Printable Version

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is the internet in the uk policed or is it free? - The Sword Of Sherwood Forest☠ - 04-08-2014 08:34 PM

i asked before ; Is the internet in the uk more restricted and censored compared to 2005?

i added this ;

there is times when im searching google images and there doesn't seem to be that many images anymore in relation to what im looking for ? - is that a sign of government censorship ?

or other times when im doing a google search and i cant find the same sites i could as in 2005, and also not that many results come back ?

i got this answer ;

A lot of sites from 2005 simply don't exist anymore, people remove and add images all the time, lots of subjects that are illegal have now been removed, I've had the internet since 1995, the dial-up days, when you needed an expensive desktop pc and modem, it was not policed at all then but now anyone can access the internet it has been cleaned up considerably..

to me he was implying the internet is policed now, no longer a free domain???? is this true or what could he have meant ?

- Sam - 04-08-2014 08:43 PM

Yes it is censored after 2013, the PM announced it.

- John G - 04-08-2014 08:47 PM

It depends what you are looking for, if its illegal, then its been removed, that goes for most countries not just the UK, I believe ISP'S are asking new subscribers if they want porn filters, the only trouble is it filters everything to do with sex, like health matters so people will find its very restrictive, back in 2005 there were loads of site with underage porn, that's illegal nearly everywhere and is constantly being removed, of course its being policed , there are cases every week of people who abuse social websites being arrested ..