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Why did I feel a twinge of jealousy? - Printable Version

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Why did I feel a twinge of jealousy? - Quinn - 10-15-2012 08:47 PM

When I first met Andrew, I wasn't attracted to him at all. He is extremely socially awkward, and I am really popular. I know he kind of likes me, but I have never liked him back. I know I'm in the 8th grade, and he's in 9th, but we are/were pretty good friends. I already knew about homecoming, but I never gave it much thought. I was just randomly on his Facebook page, and I saw he went to homecoming with a fat, ugly looking girl. I felt a really strange bit of jealousy when I saw them posing together, and couldnt help but think,' i would look wayyy better in that dress'. I don't really know why I did though. I also felt hurt, and jealous when I realized he hadn't spoke to me in a while, and he didn't talk about it at all with me. He knows I would have loved to chat. Does this mean he doesnt have feelings for me anymore? Should I maybe tell him how I felt about it? Help please!

- spam_free_he_he - 10-15-2012 08:55 PM

Maybe you're more interested than you'd like to believe....that's the conclusion I'd draw from what you've posted.

Talk with Andrew, see if there's a connection you didn't notice
