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Blog or a website for my self help articles to make money? - Printable Version

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Blog or a website for my self help articles to make money? - happy_bonny - 04-08-2014 08:35 PM

I have an idea to help women with their self worth and want to write articles, free e-books, ets. Is it better to have a blog or a website page?

Also, I want my clients to have it all free, will I make money of the advertising then?

- Maikel - 04-08-2014 08:45 PM

A blog is basically a website and it's easier to use, if you use a platform like WordPress. If you want all your content to be free you will get your profits from showing advertisements. I do recommend to also sell a product from time to time (on one of your posts). It's great to help others for free but after all you still want to make a profit, right?

Just my 2cents,
Maikel Michiels

- Jake - 04-08-2014 08:50 PM

Yea a blog is the easy way to do it, you won't have to learn web coding on a platform like Blogger or wordpress, if you can get tens of thousands you can earn Google Adsense ad revenue, it takes some years to reach the $100 min payout. There are also revenue sharing article sites, like squidoo and Hubpages, Hubpages does a 60/40 slie (your favor) from their Adsense revenue. They actually split clicks so you need your own ASdsense account in either case.

To look a bit more professional and protect your site ranking in case a host shuts you down you can use a custom domain name costing about $12/yr, Google's has no upgrade fees like many other "free" hosts. If they shut down or you want more control in the future you can relocate to a paid host, transferring your site name and with some effort reconstructing the site structure the search engines have learned to love.

If you list a free address you would effectively have to restart search ranking from scratch on your new site address.

- skinnybath912 - 04-08-2014 08:51 PM

A blog is the way to go, not only does it give you the ability to easily post new articles and posts but it allows an easy way for interaction with your intended audience. If the reader can get incolved and share their experiences it will help everyone.

We have a couple of articles which may be of interest to you about getting your domain name and setting up your blog.


If you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact us or leave us a comment. We will be glad to help you get your blog up and running.