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How much do think a website like this could be worth? - Printable Version

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How much do think a website like this could be worth? - MUFC 4EVER - 04-08-2014 08:36 PM

Mainly an informational blog which has price comparison on products also, and also accepts reviews from visitors.

World Alexa Rank: 300,000
UK Alexa Rank: 20,000

Monthly Adsense Earning: £400+ ($800)
Monthly Affiliate Earnings: £700+ ($1400)

Domain around 3 years old, all in good standing with Google.

Gets around 2500-3000 unique visitors a day. No advertising or cost to get this, all natural.

How much do you think roughly a site with these stats would be worth?

- Jake - 04-08-2014 08:42 PM

I hear the going rate for web businesses on Flippa is about 8 to 15 times the monthly revenue. Aside from that one concrete stat, the traffic, etc. is rather subjective, another traffic evaluation factor some sites earn an average of 1 cent per visitor from ads, some more.

- Marko - 04-08-2014 08:47 PM

Well if this is real data then it could be worth quite a bit.

But website is worth the amount somebody is willing to pay.