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How to buy an existing domain? - Printable Version

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How to buy an existing domain? - Thomas - 04-08-2014 08:36 PM

I'd like to buy the web domain I'd like to know whether it is possible or not to buy an already existing domain and if yes: How much do you think it'll cost? I'm guessing 10-50 $ because the only actual use the web domain already has is that it redirects you to another web domain.

- Nick - 04-08-2014 08:42 PM

You do this by approaching the owner and asking them if they will transfer it to you, and how much they want. How much they want is entirely up to them.

You find out who the owner is by looking up the domain on any WHOIS site.

People buy existing domains and redirect because they want the site traffic for their own site. You don't know how much they spent to get it.