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For people who are amazing at using iPads!? Help please? - Printable Version

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For people who are amazing at using iPads!? Help please? - Charlotte - 04-08-2014 08:37 PM

Basically.. My partner goes on the internet for stuff he shouldn't
So he clicks on safari, clicks on private which is at the bottom left side of the ipad
Then does what he has to do, which shows no history as he's set it on private
Then clicks un private, then I no nothing, and he's happy

Please someone. How can I no what he's doing.. I don't think I can get rid of private settings, but can I track him down or what?

Must be a way....

- Coulter - 04-08-2014 08:44 PM

Nothing. It deletes cookies, history, everything. If you're a real computer buff then you'd know how to sniff his traffic, but if you're just a normal person you are out of luck

- rohit - 04-08-2014 08:48 PM

Hmm, i think you r a sniff, privacy means something.. U should leave 'em alone ok!
Btw. U gotta be a great hacker to do that..
Anyways u might be having better stuff to do.. Leave it