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How do I split them up? - Printable Version

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How do I split them up? - aristotle54 - 04-08-2014 08:37 PM

I want to split a couple up, and not because I'm 'jealous' or anything, but because I'm worried about the girl in the relationship.
The guy doesn't like any of her family or friends, so they don't like him, because they feel as if their efforts to be nice to him were thrown back in their faces. Also, she wouldn't make an effort with any of his friends either, so they don't like each other either.
She's a bright and ambitious university student who's got a great life ahead of her, whereas he doesn't even go to college because he 'doesn't see the point' when he'd 'rather just work', despite the fact that he needs a degree in order to go down the career path he wants to go down.
He is not as bright or ambitious as she is, and even though he's 23, he still goes on 'lad' holidays with his friends. They look so bad together too, because she looks sweet and well presented, whereas he looks like a low life chav with a sleeve tattoo!
She won't make their relationship Facebook official because she finds him 'embarrassing', even though they've been together for nearly three years!
Why would she want to be with someone who she finds embarrassing, looks like a chav, behaves like he's younger than he really is and doesn't respect her family or friends?

- Jan409 - 04-08-2014 08:39 PM

You stay out of it
It is their relationship, not yours
He works, he earns and that's great,
So leave them be and let her live her own life

- LaceMeInCorsets - 04-08-2014 08:41 PM

I don't think you should split them up, for the main reason that's really wrong to do PLUS she will eventually go back to him, unless she makes this decision off her own back.
From the way you describe it, she doesn't seem happy, if you're quite close to her, you could talk to her and ask why she's embarrassed and see if she's happy or not, there could be deeper reasons as to why she isn't splitting up with him, despite being unhappy.
If they are happy though, I'd say just let them stay together and figure things out.

- Tattoo's do not define a person, I don't see why it was relevant that he has a 'sleeve tattoo'
- Judging someone by the way they look, is also a bit harsh. He could be a lovely guy. Whereas if you came on here and was saying he steals, lives off benefits and can't be bothered to get a job and takes drugs, I would understand your 'low-life' label a bit better.
- There's also nothing wrong with 'just working' ... I do it and have achieved a lot and I am also 'well presented' and 'bright' ... Just because someone doesn't choose to go to Uni, doesn't mean they're going to fail. Most jobs want experience, not degree's... unless you want to be a Doctor etc...

I suggest you try talk to her, but if she's happy, let her make her own decisions and mistakes and don't interfere.. It isn't your place to do so.

- Misunderstoodwriter293 - 04-08-2014 08:50 PM

If she is as smart as you say she is, she is most likely keeping him around until she finishes school. A lot of girls play with the bad boy image type, but in the end they wake up and smell the coffee.

- Jane Moult - 04-08-2014 08:50 PM

I think you are jealous, it has nothing to do with you,
What they do is up to them, why would you want to make the both of them unhappy ??