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How does Google Chrome history work with viewing Facebook history? - Printable Version

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How does Google Chrome history work with viewing Facebook history? - Patrick - 10-15-2012 08:47 PM

This is a very important question to me. Before I viewed my boyfriends computers Google Chrome History, I first looked up one of his exes on his facebook to see if they ever communicated over Facebook. They didn't, so I thought it was safe.

Then I looked in the Google Chrome History and suddenly saw his Ex's facebook page all over the place, it was like he looked her up every hour of the day for the last 3 months (that's how far Google Chrome History will save before it auto-deletes, I guess).

I then thought it was time to have a quality talk about this obsessive facebook-viewing of his, though by doing that, I would then have to admit that I did betray his trust by viewing his browser history. So to make sure if I really saw it right, I looked again. But then suddenly, all the times he viewed his ex's facebook page were suddenly replaced by the regular opening page.

Can someone please explain to me how this worked? Did he or did he not view his ex's facebook page?? I cannot ask him myself since I would have to admit looking up his browser history (which I normally never do btw), so I would absolute kiss the person's feet who will explain to me what happened when viewing the Google Chrome History tab.

Thank you so much!!!

- Branden - 10-15-2012 08:55 PM

"I then thought it was time to have a quality talk about this obsessive facebook-viewing of his"

Have you ever thought that you might be psycho enough to spy on him and troll around looking for a reason to argue or start confrontation with him?

I am sure he feels the same way for your paranoia. The way I see it is, if its going to happen there is nothing you can do, I suggest putting your defenses up and worrying about yourself and your happiness. By spying on him it shows that you are the insecure one, you are the jealous type and that your trust is harder to come by than money for employment. Don't be the weak species, in fact show the prime example and protect yourself through your defenses by not caring.

Someone people are independent and can be civil to their exe's without thinking about their history, if you demand control over this,m, then you will lose it all. if it is something that you can not abide with, then you and him don't need to be together, simple as that.

- Daniel - 10-15-2012 08:55 PM

it Does Not Delete it Stays There Unless The History is Cleared Thats How it Works

- Computer Guy - 10-15-2012 08:55 PM

I suspect when you saw the ex's FB pages, he had been logged into FB on that computer. If your logged out, you should see the FB opening page like you saw.

Computer Repairman