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Will I Receive Backlink Juice From These Domains? - Printable Version

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Will I Receive Backlink Juice From These Domains? - Luis - 04-08-2014 08:37 PM

So I was doing some backlinking and came up to a couple of Wordpress and Blogger sites with good page ranks at about 2, 3 and 4. I as wondering will my site receive any link juice if I left a comment that has been approved by the administrator. The blog is relevant to my website. I'm just curious because Wordpress and Blogger sites give subdomains and wonder if that will affect ranking. I'm not concerned about traffic at the moment, but more of SEO to better my site rankings. Should I link to these blog sites or not?


- MandySweet87 - 04-08-2014 08:46 PM

add them to sites like that give insight on the domain as well as traffic and who links to the site.