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Create New Website suggestion? - Printable Version

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Create New Website suggestion? - Sohel Shaikh - 04-08-2014 08:37 PM

guys, i am going to create new website and my website name is colleges in andhra pradesh here we are include all of detail like colleges name, fees, admission producer and other all of detail about colleges in andhra pradesh so i want know my idea is good or bad.
Please tell me what i do???

- Rajendra - 04-08-2014 08:46 PM

It is easy to create web site; First u have to register domain name of web site ;many web sites r there [I am doing with ;] Once u register it ,u will get ur domain name & web-space
where u can upload ur page with HTML.

- justice - 04-08-2014 08:51 PM

Its very good idea and will be helpful to people. First you need to get domain name and also consider domain age simultaneously because domain age shows the seriousness of the business or site.
As you are going for college site you will have huge pages and internal links therefore its structure should be very good and easy to access.

Pen down entire thing which you want to show in your site, the best way would be to go other colleges sites and take the ideas form it.

There will be need of proper data base connectivity so do consider mysql.
If you are designing by own then take the help of w3school else taking the services then focus on the structure of website with easy navigation.

- money - 04-08-2014 08:55 PM

It is a good idea, and i personally run an education site that is earning a hefty sum from google adsense and from selling books to the students.