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How can I advertise my facebook page? - Printable Version

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How can I advertise my facebook page? - Bubble - 04-08-2014 08:37 PM

I am starting a business facebook page in the near future and I want to make it popular so people buy my products. How can I make my facebook page popular and draw attention to it.
Would I also need a website to go along side of it and/or a blog?
Any help would be great Smile

- niladri - 04-08-2014 08:41 PM

So you are up to start a business. Follow this-
1. To Advertise Your Page, Go to your page and click on BUILD AUDIENCE (It Should be on the Top of Your Page). Then Click on Advertise. Then Follow the simple steps!!

2. To Make a Blog for Free of Cost, I would Recommend Blogspot.

3. For a Website WEBS.COM would be best.

:::But First of All Learn HTML Basics. If you know that already, thats good. Or go to W3SCHOOLS.ORG::::

And to draw attention, the most important thing os its content. Make it easy to find..

- Mila - 04-08-2014 08:42 PM

You contract facebook authority.