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Are you sad about Charlotte Dawson? - Printable Version

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Are you sad about Charlotte Dawson? - Stupid Nuff Said - 04-08-2014 08:37 PM

I used to watch her on Stan Zemanek's show and she was good, she held her own with Stan. At first I admit I thought the depression issue might be a publicity stunt, but guess I was wrong.

Do you think this will bring the impact of bullying on social media under scrutiny again?

- Jessica - 04-08-2014 08:38 PM

I am definitely sad about Charlotte Dawson. It isn't fair that she took her own life because she was cyber bullied. I definitely hope that this will bring the impact of bullying on social media as I have been a victim of cyber bullying in the past and I know what it is like. I hope this is a big wake up call for all bully's whether they bully people on social media or face to face, it still hurts.