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Which girl to go for? - Printable Version

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Which girl to go for? - Tyler - 04-08-2014 08:38 PM

So Im in a dilemma. There are two girls and I will give you my best description.

Girl A: Ive known her for a year. Not really close friends but if we are in a class and put together, we are not shy and will talk. She isn't the prettiest of the bunch but she has nice features. I know you shouldn't date a girl with physical features but she has nice breasts and a big, firm butt for her height. She has red curly hair and is into hunting. She is in all honor classes and gets good grades. She looks like the main character in brave.

Girl B: My sister's best friend's sister. Its confusing but she is one year older than me. I didn't really know her but I have a crush on her. We may exchange looks here and there but nothing to serious. I had a big chance to talk to her but i chickened out and just sat there while she was across from me. She is very studious so not really outgoing. She is like number 4 for her class and isn't social but is very pretty. I think she looks like

but everyone else says no.

- Afghan - 04-08-2014 08:44 PM

Go with the girl you like! Grow some balls and talk to her, you won't be happy unless you do.

- Lucy :* - 04-08-2014 08:52 PM

"If you love two people at the same time, choose the second one. Because if you really loved the first one, you wouldn't have fallen for the second."

- Johnny - 04-08-2014 08:52 PM

The best woman will be the one that will get you places, and not hold you back. So whichever one you think will help and encourage you is the one for you. It's also about who you like to hang around the most and who's company you enjoy better. Another good way to decide is to flip a coin. It's not the side that it lands on that will help you decide, but once the coin is in the air you already know which side you want it to land on, and that will help you. Well good luck!