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My Friend's Mom Is Worried About Me? - Printable Version

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My Friend's Mom Is Worried About Me? - Bella - 04-08-2014 08:38 PM

I have an and a while ago I was getting hated on. Apparently, my friends mom checked the computer history and saw my account, and clicked on it. So she saw the hate and was worried. She said that she was going to tell my parents but my parents don't know, and I didn't want them to know. My friends helped me out and the hating slowed to a stop. My friend told her mom to stay out, so nothing happened. But her mom still checks my ask everyday. I took the link off my instagram, but I'm worried she'll still use her history to check it. Is there a way to block her if she doesn't have an account? I don't want her to keep checking on me.

- Rae - 04-08-2014 08:47 PM

If it's instagram there are settings to make people request permission before they can view your stuff. If you don't feel like it's appropriate for someone older to get involved then you should make the call to keep things private. Same goes for Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, etc. All social media sites have privacy and safety protocols. Just go to privacy settings

- Nancy - 04-08-2014 08:50 PM

Tell your friend to delete her search history from now on.

Also, have a talk with your friend's mom. Tell her that while you appreciate her concern, you realize that what happens on the Internet (regarding the hate) isn't real and that you aren't stressing about it. Ask her nicely to please stop checking on you like that. Tell her that if something comes up, you will talk to her (or your mom) about it.

You can also set your accounts to private.

- relievedroute025 - 04-08-2014 08:58 PM

Change the password ??!