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What does abbreviation "SCM" means in regards to internet marketing? - Printable Version

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What does abbreviation "SCM" means in regards to internet marketing? - Rouslan T - 04-08-2014 08:39 PM

another hint: in regards to managing keywords, Google adwords, etc.

- Soccer Mom - 04-08-2014 08:44 PM

Search Content Marketing - Content that doesn’t ever get read is essentially a failure. Marketers are looking to find ways to improve the quality in the content of their advertising. Creating credible content is difficult and expensive. The key is to create relevant and valuable content that positions your company and its brand favorably to users, encourages them to engage and moves them closer to becoming a lead.

Content, for content’s sake, is a waste of resources. Adding loads of content, such as glossaries and FAQ sections, may add page weight to a site and provide opportunities for cross-linking pages and themes together, but, there is little-to-no value created for users (i.e. prospects). Poorly-planned Resource Centers and White Papers also offer little value.

Thought leadership requires being noticed. Even great content can be like the tree that falls in the forest. If no one hears about it, has anything really happened? If you’re already creating some content, your reach is limited to the number of blog readers or e-mail list members, and the people who follow you on Twitter or "like" you on Facebook.

The challenge lies in extending your reach, casting a wider net to distribute your valuable content to new potential leads. Whether that’s done through social media, search marketing, third party syndication — or all of these methods, the objective is to get your great content in front of your target audience. It can take years of smart blogging and sharing what you’ve learned before anyone recognizes your contribution. Unless you’ve already got a recognized brand, you need to continually produce authoritative, credible content in order to gain the trust of your audience.

It could also be about Supply Chain Management which is another important part of Internet marketing. Most likely you are talking about the first definition though.

- Abhay Khurana - 04-08-2014 08:54 PM

Search Content Marketing

Some points to explain SCM:

1. Combination of SEO+ Content Marketing
2. Use of Long Tail keywords as anchor text
3. Posting Good, unique, information content
4. More and more use of Google Authorship

and more.

I hope it gives you an idea about SCM

- Thomas - 04-08-2014 08:55 PM

Its Search Content Marketing, which are now high recommended service for every SEO service provider company due to latest Google Hummingbird update. Latest update majorly focus on Content to make web world reliable and unpolluted.

- Abriana - 04-08-2014 08:59 PM

My spouse and i suggest utilizing Google Search Bot I've got positioned my site to first page utilizing it.