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Facebook login page keeps popping up randomly? - Printable Version

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Facebook login page keeps popping up randomly? - muffin - 04-08-2014 08:40 PM

So I have 3 browsers, IE, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. While I'm using Google Chrome/Mozilla, the facebook login page pops up from IE in 3 different tabs at once, even when IE was closed. And then 10 minutes later, the 3 tabs pop up again, and again and again. So in the end, if I don't erase them, I have 30 facebook login pages open on IE.

Honestly, I'd just erase IE, but my parents always use it and they have their important bookmarks on there.

This is getting really annoying, is there any way to solve this? I don't want to actually login to Facebook on IE because I'm afraid that this might be a scam/virus or something?

- obedientjuice536 - 04-08-2014 08:45 PM

I am also facing exactly the same problem in my g chrome

- Danni Marie - 04-08-2014 08:54 PM

I'm also having the same issue, I have gone through my Chrome settings to see is something has created an extension or has changed any of the original settings but nothing has changed. I'm afraid it may be a virus but could be a glitch with Facebook?

- Thomas M - 04-08-2014 08:58 PM

You need to uninstall Facebook messenger.

- bloodjames - 04-08-2014 09:04 PM

Thomas M is right you need to uninstall facebook messenger... just go to control panel, add and remove programs.. scroll down.. and uninstall fb messenger... " )