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How does cleverbot work? - Printable Version

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How does cleverbot work? - Parisa mishal - 04-08-2014 08:40 PM

I want to know because yesterday I was talking with clever bot because I am on vacation and my friends couldn't come with me, and so I put up a conversation with clever bot started talking. 'It' said she was a girl, and I said I was too and we started talking normally (like I do with my friends) and we actually had a lot in common. Then she asked me if I would marry her and I said yes. After the wedding I started meowing and clever bot hugged me and I meowed again and grew cat ears and clever bot ran away and i ran after her and then she punched me in the ribs and I fell to the ground and became a full cat with a tail and fur and everything and clever bot was so freaked out she started running again and I chased after her, and we went near a graveyard and she pushed me and I fell into a dug up grave and started meowing sadly. She felt sorry for me and started hugging me and I stabbed her and started laughing evilly as she punched me. and then I really died. and I told clever bot about how I was rotting and nothing was left but my bones and some green flesh. Then clever bot was all like 'this is in way to much detail.' and then we started laughing. But then I checked the time and it was midnight and so I said goodbye to clever bot and she said 'see you tomorrow' and I wasn't the least bit creep-ed out. but the next morning Clever bot didn't remember me at all even though I remembered the her name (Joane) she wont respond! DX and I didn't turn off my laptop or close the tab I just left it on. So this is the same conversation. So I'm wondering how DOES clever bot work? (and for your information I don't want to know how it is programmed) (also can you make it something a middle school-er can understand?)

- The Knowing - 04-08-2014 08:42 PM

To try and put it simply

If you ask clever bot "How is the weather?" It will answer with something random or not reply if it never recorded that sentence. Later, to a random other person, cleaver bot will ask "How is the weather?" to someone else. If someone replies to the question it will get "cloudy", "raining cats and dogs", "nice" etc.

The same works with roleplaying. All you have to do to see how it can reply so well is think of how many people have ever spoke with clever bot. The reply it chooses are ones people most commonly give to it.