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Do you think this SEO package worth $400? - Printable Version

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Do you think this SEO package worth $400? - Eyad - 04-08-2014 08:40 PM

I wanted to use scrapebox and SEnuke but It's not easy to work as a pro with them if you're new to seo like me?

Thanks guys

- Caren - 04-08-2014 08:46 PM

and the scams go around and around and around

- Guy - 04-08-2014 08:48 PM

I would keep away from tools like these. You are more likely to get your website banned than to the top of the search engines.

- Jake - 04-08-2014 08:57 PM

Those 50,000 Blog Comments Backlinks in one week could well sabotage your site ranking, having a natural looking pattern of linking is important, these days one should make links with the possibility of having to remove them in the future, that's more realistic with a handful of quality links.

The was these different actions are taken each week instead of on a more ongoing basis suggests they are outsourcing the actual work, you could manage your own SEO campaign and find specialists to do each of these tasks for a better price, while taking more care to maintain a long term reputation with the search engines.

- Richard - 04-08-2014 09:04 PM

No more tools for now. Just provide value and do everything naturally.

- Peter - 04-08-2014 09:10 PM

I strongly suggest you to stay away from SENuke and scrapebox. Search engines are evolving and using such tools can get your site penalized for "unnatural linking". You should learn much more on-page seo optimization techniques and then try to do off-page optimizations. But off-page tricks should be done very carefully! You should control links because today link can be good, but tomorrow this link can be bad and hurt your site.

Please note - i didn't told you to not make backlinks! Just use some clever ways for this. You should watch backlink source as - do/not follow, sitewide, anchor texts, alt texts, rel attribute, how link come (image, text, etc). You also should check industry - for example getting links from adult sites isn't good for you and can harm you.

If you don't agree - check case study about cleaning backlinks and what happen. In one of this cases only 19% of sites are recovered with months of intensive works.

That $400 today can cost you $4000 (or even more) tomorrow for SEO specialists to recover your site! Of course i didn't include in this sum costs when your site is not visible in search engines due manual action and loses about this.

- Zimmer - 04-08-2014 09:11 PM

I'm afraid the answer is not as black and white and that. These are just tools. All Senuke does is upload content. If the user wishes to write a bunch of unreadable garbage and upload it all over the web, then, yes they will more than likely get penalised. If on the other hand, you use Senuke the way it should be used, then it's impossible to into trouble.
If you know nothing about SEO, start doing your link building manually. Once you become familiar with the industry and best practice then you might consider Senuke.
Personally, I've been using it for 3 years on all my sites and client's sites and never had any issues with Google.
With regard to scrapebox, it's called scrapebox because it by far and away the best scraper around today and always has been. I use it every day of the week for link building and I cold not imagine working without it. Sure, if you want to spam the hell out of forums and blogs, work away, but thats just one of hundreds of things it can do.
Most people who don't rate these tools actually don't understand how SEO works. There's a very good reason why Senuke is $147 a month and other tools cost a fraction of that. It's because it works if used properly.