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Am I over thinking? Or do I have good reason to be suspicious? - Printable Version

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Am I over thinking? Or do I have good reason to be suspicious? - Sâwaniyowêw - 04-08-2014 08:41 PM

I'm aware of my trust issues and how I tend to over think alot. I'm not use to being in relationships, and often panic at what to do.

But I get very suspicious sometimes. He never acts shady, and this is where I get a little anxious, he has alot of girls on facebook. Yes, facebook, the hell to all relationships. He has his exes, hoodrats, cousins (sometimes its hard to distinguish which is which)
We knew eachother before we were dating, where we would talk alot. till this girl who was his ex would freak out at him, he told me she was a little nuts and would spazz out and even try to hit him for talking to other girls even though she cheated on him, and they had broken up but she didnt get the message. He showed me the messages with her so I do believe him. Plus we both come from a cultural background where the girls are a little nuts and do shit like that all the time. Like normal girls but even worse and more skandalous.

he makes a really big effort to be with me and he gets worried he's never doing enough. He says he loves me and he shows it. But I still feel freaked out about those girls especially when he likes their pictures or talks to them. And I've seen him talk to them and I really don't like it. especially cause they're always flirting with him, and some hoodrat commented on his photo saying "mine" and I got really mad. He talked with me about it, saying he didn't know why she did that. But I can't help but be mad

- Alex - 04-08-2014 08:48 PM

Hmm this seems very tricky. So far you have no reason or information to believe he is up to anything so you are going to have to relax until you know for sure.... guys will always wanna look and might "like" someones picture on facebook but it doesnt necessarily mean they would cheat on you. also... those girls are slutty and know he is taken so they might try to comment or get his attention but it doesnt mean he is reciprocating... relax until you know for sure. you might scare him off if you're too crazy with it.

- .... - 04-08-2014 08:52 PM

Yeah it's not certain, but I would not judge too quickly. But I would watch out a little in the future

Please answer mine?!