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How can I advertise my new babysitting job? - Printable Version

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How can I advertise my new babysitting job? - bailey - 04-08-2014 08:41 PM

I've had 2 jobs so far, and a facebook page. I don't know how else to advertise. I need free advertisement. I'm trying to save up for a new phone because I "lost" my old one.
Please Help!

- Sandy K - 04-08-2014 08:47 PM

Why don't you post flyers around your neighborhood and advertise in a free neighborhood paper? Good luck.

- Jason - 04-08-2014 08:56 PM

Hey Bailey to get your name out you need to locate what we call in business a target market, obviously its parents however maybe you have a age limit old or young. Either way you need to present your self and credibility in a professional and warm manner to the places parents are. If you drive do places all around, however if you are needing to stay close to home stay within a certain range of your location. So if you need parents I would place information at daycares, schools, kid toy stores, kid clothing store. Playgrounds and any other place you can think of that a parent would be.

Good luck you'll have that phone in no time

Coach Roberson