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can you like someone you've never met or spoken to? - Printable Version

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can you like someone you've never met or spoken to? - Olivia - 04-08-2014 08:42 PM

there's this girl who is a friend of a friend (that i haven't seen since high school so i guess acquaintance) and i've never met her before but i always see pictures that he puts of her on social media and there's just something about her that makes me feel a certain way. like i want to meet her so bad, i don't know if i just want to kiss her and be with her or if i just really admire her and want to be like her?? does that make sense? i've never ever felt this way about anyone.
i have a boyfriend that i've been with for a year now. and i've had crushes on other girls before but this is different.
can anyone explain why i feel this way?

- egdonut - 04-08-2014 08:46 PM

She is turning you on a lot. Meeting her would be exstremely exciting so do it andg go from there

- Evimmallow - 04-08-2014 08:49 PM

Awww thats so sweet! Oh yes, looking at pictures or love at first sight when you see a person walking by are all the same. Obviously you have that with this girl, but only from your side. It's absolutely normal, can happen to anyone. If you continue to have these feelings for her or getting stronger, then perhaps try to find a chance and know her, who knows, her personality might surprise you and you guys might actually become great friends.