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Unstable internet connection on macbook air? - Printable Version

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Unstable internet connection on macbook air? - Thunderousdeer569 - 04-08-2014 08:42 PM

I have a fairly new macbook air 13 inches. However, recently its internet connection has been unstable and/or very slow if it even works at all. All the other electronic devices on my network connect fine (like my pc, iphone, ipad, etc), however it's just my macbook air that seems to be having network issues.

This problem arose two days ago at around this time (mid to late evening). It worked fairly well at around 3-5 o clock.

I already tried clearing my cookies/history/cache and using a different browser (safari and chrome). I restarted my machine as well.

This is quite irritating. I'm pretty sure its not a network issue because all my other devices work and I already restarted my network and router.

Could my macbook be broken? I've only used it for less than two weeks!

- deyana - 04-08-2014 08:46 PM

If there isn’t hardware problem you should check your network connection performance. You can do it form the link below:

The Connectivity Checker will perform a series of network tests for modern Web Services like WebSockets and WebRTC. A unique url will be created with the results which you can then share with an expert to get your problem diagnosed.