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Deleting a contact on Skype? - Printable Version

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Deleting a contact on Skype? - Alia - 04-08-2014 08:43 PM

Im having some issues on Skype.
So i deleted this guy off my contact list about one year ago. And on my phone app, it still has his old contact name and ALL his info but not his about me. Well then I went to my other Skype account (I never added his contact on that account) And it had his new name but less contact info.
So then I went on the desktop Skype (on my real account) , and his profile had less info but his new name, his about me, and an OLD MESSAGE. (Like those update things you put on your profile that shows for people on your contact list.)
My question is:
Why is an old message there? Is his profile updated to me or not? Did he block/delete me off of HIS contact list?
Sorry if this is confusing.
Thank you!

- henry - 04-08-2014 08:44 PM

Here is the answer