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Tips for knocking off Twitter addiction? - Printable Version

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Tips for knocking off Twitter addiction? - Joey - 04-08-2014 08:43 PM

It's so easy to tweet, because it's like 5 seconds and a new tweet is out there. It's not like Facebook where it's boring to me and I rarely post. I tweet too much and I'm starting to worry that the select-few real-life people I know are thinking I'm weird.
It also is just a waste of time and I feel guilty wasting so much time on there even though I'm normally busy. Tips for slowing down tweeting? I don't want to stop all together...

- Braden - 04-08-2014 08:44 PM

plan out when you going tweet and make sure to stay on time

- Caysi - 04-08-2014 08:47 PM

I have the SAME problem. What I have recently begun to ask myself is "Is this tweet actually important and if you were reading this tweet from someone else, what would you think about them?" Most of the time its useless blabber or complaints. I'm quiet by nature at school and twitters just easier for me to put my thoughts out there, But you have to watch what you tweet otherwise it will come out as weird or insulting. I actually lost friends and respect after some of my tweets I thought were harmless at the time. What I would do, is I would say ok I will start off tweeting at max 3-5 tweets a day. Then slowly work your way down. Save your tweets to your draft and tweet them another day if they HAVE to be tweeted. Also, if theres something you really want to say but it would negatively affect the way some may look at you, type in what you want to say in the searcg bar and retweet someone who has already said it. It makes you look less addicted.