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What is better to get more Facebook like? - Printable Version

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What is better to get more Facebook like? - Majdi - 04-08-2014 08:43 PM

i want to start in fb ads but it show 3 option CPC pr per like or CPM
when it's about CPC and CPM i can choose the cost of click but when it's about per like i can't choose
and i want to get more like with less $$

- john - 04-08-2014 08:44 PM

Don't worry dear,
Just try to share it with your all friends, relatives and those people that you know.
Try to daily post on Facebook timeline that's it will highlight every time.
Hope this will help you.

- DD Rocks - 04-08-2014 08:47 PM

Ya same opinion share your page onto a page that has many likes, invite your friends to like it, update daily

- DeSean - 04-08-2014 08:52 PM

To get more Facebook like, You should follow these steps....

1. Post often, but not too often. Posting often increases your visibility on people's timelines, making it less possible for your posts to be overlooked or skimmed over. If you can become known for posting interesting and funny status updates, photos and videos, people will be more likely to stop and take notice when your name appears on their feed. The more people who actually pay attention to what you're posting, the more people who'll be inclined to like each post.

2. Post more photos and videos.

3. Keep it short and sweet.

4. Ask interactive questions. Another great way to get more likes is to be interactive with your Facebook friends, by asking engaging questions and requesting other people's opinions. You can also ask for other people's help or recommendations - people like to be the ones to give the best or most interesting answer.

5. Like other people's posts. Sometimes you just need to establish a mutual "liking" relationship with another person, especially if you're not particularly close to them in real life. Even if someone enjoys or appreciates something you posted, they may hold back from liking it because they're afraid of seeming weird when you don't know each other well. In this scenario, you should be the one to break the ice by liking one of their posts first.

6. Be funny. Okay, so this can be hard advice to put into practice, especially if humor isn't your strong suit. But as mentioned before, people go on Facebook to be entertained

7. Avoid posts that appear attention or sympathy seeking.

8. Post at strategic times of day.

9. Cheat. So there are a few sneaky tricks you can try if you're really desperate for likes. One of the most popular is to post a status that says "Like for a number". Then you will proceed to send anyone who likes the status a random number via private message.

- Celina - 04-08-2014 08:59 PM

Hi, NetUltimate’s expertise in understanding business Solutions and pulse of social media and online Marketing trends can be a great plus to increase the FB Likes faster and cheaper
Please read the below simple tips at