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Is my ex over me. Girls answers preferbly? - Printable Version

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Is my ex over me. Girls answers preferbly? - Brian - 04-08-2014 08:44 PM

My ex and i have been broken up a month now. She is with someone new. She denied she was with him at first and said they were just friends. Out the blue shes told me she has feelings for him when i questioned her and said shes not inlove with me. I was with her 18 months. Been in contact for nearly 2 weeks. Ive blocked her on fb. She changes her whats app status often to smiley faces and hearts and how excited she is for something and seems to have a new pic up everyday. She has had a rebound before however this time she says she has feelings for this guy. Im partly to blame cuz like an idiot i stopped trying and obv this new guy took her attention. Isit over for good. Ive had various responses from psycics that i have asked. She says she thinks of me but im guessing thats different to missing me.

- Clara I - 04-08-2014 08:52 PM

She's over you. Time for you to move on.

- Michael - 04-08-2014 08:59 PM

She is over you in a way bro the only thing to do is leave her alone cut all contact delete her social media sites so she cant see yours bro ofcourse shes going to catch feelings with the rebound thats the whole point of a rebound to get over you. Depending on what you did shes coming back, she admitted she thinks of you but your rite there, your to close, disappear bro work on yourself emotionally. Stop texting n calling her she loves you if she knows your number by heart your going to get alooot of blocked calls lol give it 2 weeks to 3 disappear

- Jaz - 04-08-2014 09:05 PM

I know its easier said than done, but id say move on, if its meant to be it'll all work out in the end, but people playing games is lame, if she truly cares or loves you she wouldn't be dating anyone else.