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How can i find my genealogy free? - Printable Version

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How can i find my genealogy free? - Lexy Ferriswheel - 04-08-2014 08:44 PM

- Kim - 04-08-2014 08:52 PM

There are many ways you could begin your geneology quest. A huge amount of documents from local court houses are available for you to search of go there and look up names,dates ect..

One of your best resourses will be Family members, ask them all what they know,or stories that they can tell, this is important to know the knowledge our elders hold within them, alot of information to get you going on where to begin.

Library is another awesome tool! And then of course there are the help through a website, Pleez don't! Too many scams!

Hope this helps and gives you an idea of a starting point.