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Block Some Web pages on my IP address!? - Printable Version

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Block Some Web pages on my IP address!? - Audil - 04-08-2014 08:45 PM

I'm facing a few prob regarding my net speed from a few days.

My net connection is shared by 3 PC's at my home.
1. Dad me
3. to my bro

My dad uses net so less, so he is not a prob

But my bro, he uses net hole day and keep on downloading files from torrent.
this makes my connection very very slow.

My brother is older than me, so i can't say him anything regarding this..

So, i was thinking that.. if can block a few sites on my ip which my brother uses...

Then it will be greate... he will not be able to use torrent to download and i may enjoy a bit..

Any one can pls tell me a way to block sites on an IP adress... it will be greate!!
Or any other method!!!

Thanks if you tried to help...!

- Forever - 04-08-2014 08:49 PM

You need to access your router. Open a web browser window and in the address bar type if you have cable internet. If you have DSL then type A login page should pop up. You need to know the login information to the router. By default the user name is usually "admin" and the password is either "admin" or "password". If someone in the house changed the log in name and password you will have to find out what it is on your own. Once you are logged into the router you will be looking at a web page with all the settings and controls for the router. Somewhere among the menus, likely the security section, is the option to block specific web addresses from being accessed . Simply type in the web address of the website he is torrenting from and you are done.

There are more complex ways using Linux to deauth his computer off the network entirely but you will have to study that on your own.

- Moz - 04-08-2014 08:55 PM

Use spyware blocker programs or parental controls so that we he can't able to download any torrents.