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I have a question about my internet (again)? - Printable Version

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I have a question about my internet (again)? - Spencer - 04-08-2014 08:45 PM

So recently i discovered my internet sucks a*s. Worse thing is that my mom is paying for it. She wont switch to a better company.
Right now we are getting 3mbps Down and 1mbps up for $41 a month. I think that is a rip off. We recently switched from this other company that offers 300mbps down and 25mbps up for around $40
a month. Personally I miss that old internet cause it sure as hell beats what we have now. And since it is the same price you would wonder why my mom is paying for it right? Well with that awesome internet they have to bring in a small wire that would run through the laundry room but my mom doesn't wanna do that :I

What do i do?! Right now we have AT&T U-Verse internet and $41 a month for 3/1 ?!! That is SOO s*itty! D:<

But my mom won't swtich D: what do I do? Do i live with it? Do i somehow convince her? I just think that over a small wire or getting ripped off.... I would choose the wire.
Oops I got one of the prices wrong. It is actually 50 mbps down and 25 mbps up for $40 a month from our old company, NOT 300! but 50 beats 3 ANY day

- Richard - 04-08-2014 08:46 PM

300mbps down, and 25mbps up? Who teh #*ck offers that for 40$ a month?????

Explain to your mom that the wire does not have to be seen, it can be hidden so that she never knows it's there. As well explain that the other provider is more secure, so her online activities such as banking won't be as easily stolen.

This should have her willing if their not in a contract.

- happysack399 - 04-08-2014 08:54 PM

I have AT&T U-verse high speed internet, and it is fast.
I run 21.50 Mbps down. It cost me 42 per/month.
(Note) Now I do have a bundle package price.
I have the U300 TV channels, internet, and 2 phone
lines. So my total price for the package is 180 per/month