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Are SEO experts worth hiring for a month? - Printable Version

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Are SEO experts worth hiring for a month? - al x - 04-08-2014 08:46 PM

Do you think an seo team that is good at what they do could be worth hiring?

Can seo pros be more effective than doing an online press release?

One im looking into does keyword research, article and blog writing to help keywords, competition analysis, meta tag, site map optimization, etc..... It is pretty expensive at around $300 but a boost in rankings overtime that could lead to hundreds more visitors a month in my own estimation could likely pay it self off fairly quick.

Any ideas on hiring seo pros?


- Jake - 04-08-2014 08:51 PM

There is some danger is trying to rush things, typically the best results are not gained in just a month's time. Sudden spikes in backlinks (the bread and butter of SEO) raise suspicion with Google, better to use a cheaper service tht can provide drip feed backlinks at a steady pace.

Not clear what your $300 is buying, that's too much just for some minor on site tweaking.

regarding press release vs other methods, it's important to diversity your SEO and they to use a little of a number of techniques, again to present a more natural looking backlink profile. Press releases may be no better than articles made to be republished on other sits as far as SEO value goes, the right press release an help a new company go viral if there's an interesting story that gets reported by the media.

- Hank - 04-08-2014 08:59 PM

Make sure you get references.

- Wade - 04-08-2014 09:04 PM

Don't think that you can get to the first page of Google within a month. Depending on the competition level of your keyword, it could take months before this happens, and to tell you the truth, with all of the new Google algorithms and updates like Hummingbird and Penguin, they are really looking at relevant content than links these days.

There are some good one's though that understand this. You can get on Google Plus and take a look at +Eric Enge and +Neil Ferree (can't remember how many "r's" are in his name)

- Patricia - 04-08-2014 09:14 PM

I think it will be an advantage for your websites. If professional SEO techniques are used on your webpage then it would get better ranking on SERPs(Search Engine Result Pages). It is not easy to get high rank within a month but you can get better ranking & online presence with the help of SEO professionals.

- YahooDeana - 04-08-2014 09:15 PM

Basic SEO is quite easy. I couldn't believe the pricing - $500 - $5,000 - so I searched for books to figure it out myself and found one on Amazon that had great info called "SEO Organics"

- Chris - 04-08-2014 09:16 PM

sure why not...

- Misty - 04-08-2014 09:22 PM

My advice to you is to try to google your business. Use key words that you think potential clients may use. Where do you rank? If you are on the first couple of pages, I would not hire an SEO group. However, if you have trouble finding your website, you absolutely should consider hiring for SEO. Most people will settle on a website in the first three pages of google.

Of course, hiring SEO representatives can be expensive. The extra revenue you will receive from increased sales will counteract the additional costs.