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what could be using up my internet? - Printable Version

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what could be using up my internet? - Patamon - 04-08-2014 08:47 PM

my dad buys alot of gig a month for internet, and the downloads hav gone in 9 days. my dad rang the internet people up and they told him 15 gig was used in one day. now the internet is used mostly everyday of the month, i play league of legends, to play a game on league of legends is a bout 10mb and i play about 5 games a day so that that would be 50mb everyday. my brother though constantly watches videos(porn,youtube,megashare) and downloads movies, music and tv shows from itunes and stuff. my sister just uses it for facebook and twitter and stuff and me and her proballly would only watch a youtube video once a week or so. so who do you think is the one using it all up!? please help. my dad is taking away the internet from all of us and my brother is probally the blame for it since he is constantly downloading stuff

- Kellie C - 04-08-2014 08:54 PM

youtube, any videostreaming, and downloading are all huge data suckers. It's definitely your brother.

- Antonio - 04-08-2014 09:03 PM

Porn, youtube, and especially MegaShare or any other types of file sharing software takes up a lot of data. Megashare can take up a whole lot of data if he's downloading music constantly or movies (take up a LOT of space). I'd have to say that you're brother is eating up all the internet.
I'm guessing Megashare is like Uttorent, where you can illegally download music, movies, programs, ect. If you don't delete your torrents, then they will "seed" meaning that you're system is always trafficking data constantly. When you seed, people can download parts of whatever you downloaded from your machine.
Your bro is causing all the problems. Lol good luck

EDIT: My bad, I confused megashare with a file sharing application. But still, megashare eats up a whole ton of data.

- Sahej - 04-08-2014 09:08 PM

its your brother

- raki_29329 - 04-08-2014 09:10 PM

in this case, your brother is using the most gbs..coz video streaming sites usually consume a lot of bandwidth and he is also downloading movies which clearly shows that his actions are consuming more data.