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urgent ! leaving/running away from home. india !? - Printable Version

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urgent ! leaving/running away from home. india !? - intoxicatedmermaid - 04-08-2014 08:48 PM

i want to leave by house due to my over-controling mother. i am always locked in my house (for mysafety she says ) i am not in touch with my friends for years now,cant use facebook or any othr social media,when she found out that i was using fb , she beat me up which left me black and blue wounds..surprisingly she let me have a boyfriend who i met in pune(i currently live in mumbai) during my junior collge who is now in singapore for his studies,but doesnt let me meet him when he comes.she thinks my step dad is blackmailing or abusing me(only in her imagination not for real) .when i yell back at her she starts crying and tells me i am torturing her. telling her to come to the consellor or psyciatrist gets her mad and she tells me i am crazy and not v thankful to my mom for providing me w/ quality education and other stuff but do i really deserve the kind of life im living ???im a girl w/ friendly nature, i was in a boarding school for 6 years and i am use to meeting people and making friends, i love it but i dont want friends or other perks i only need freedom and a chance to grow and learn my mother even called me a prostitute once, because i wore makeup on christmas.she said i looked like a call girl and men were staring at me with wrong intentions. that hurt alot im not much effected by the physical abuse but the verbal abuse shatters me.due to all this i have because numb (feeling less) i love to wear good shoes and cloths,i love to sing and to paint and socialize with people. does this make me a bad girl or a slut??? she says i am a demon ,and alll i want is to sleep with men (something i have never done),i am not allowed to talk to my relatives i cant step out of t house w/o her/ open the door w/o askin her.she prays alot, isnt she suppose to realize what she is doing is wrong?? when i came back from pune for my graduation , she always waits outside my college everyday(which embaressed me in front of my friends),drops me and picks me up she will always bring my favorate stuff home to make me happy.i dont understand what she wants from me
but im sick of this,i even tried to commit suicide but though its cowards! guess what,i am 21 will turn 22 soon!!!i use to do a part time job and give her all my salary and dint even spend a peny on myself. even when i was in the office she would call up my trainer or leader and ask them where i am or to give the phone to me , and she would be standing outside my office after my shift. i really dont know what i have done to deserse this kind of treatment, yes, i was never a topper in school , took up commerce instead of science (mom wanted me to take science after 12th) i wanted to be a fashion designer but she said i cant go for it, and i was ok with it.i love art!! now i want to leave my house with telling my mom or any of my friends , i know she will go to the police with false complain and do what ever it takes to track me down but i dont care.
ive been planning on leaving since a long time but the only thing that stops me from leaving is the though " wht will my mom do aftr im gone" she will probably break down,n i dont want to hurt her but i cant stand her behavior either. i need to BREATH,m in tears right now while typing this i know im being very selfish by planning to run away but i have no othr option,so my plan is :
**fit 2-3 pairs of cloths in my handbag
*take all my documents like (id card ,debit card, edu. certificates etc)*to withdraw all the cash from my account(hardly 4-5k),*sell what ever ornaments il be wearing when i leave (probably a pair of gold studs and a thin gold chain with a small cross)*will leave at night or early morning
*will write a letter to the local police tell them that i am leaving the house so that they dont think iv been kidnapped or something *will leave a note for my mom as well , thanking her and apologizing
*will pay my pending phone bills so that my mom doesnt see my call records and harass my friends and telll the network provider not to give out any info about mr to anybody *buy a pepper spray
*i am planing to go to ahmedabadh cause iv heard its one of the safest cities for women
*i will buy a cheap back pack and stuff all my things in it so that its comfy to travel *will buy bus ticket with fake name *will throw my smart phones sim card *sit in the bus for ahmedabadh and take a breathe *on reaching ahmedabad , i will contact the local broker through a pco(public telephone) and find shelter in a girls hostel/pg *next day i will start looking for a job *once the first month has passed sucessfully, it'l be all cool im sure **i will also call the police(mostly not,cos they might tell my mom where i am) and tell them to inform her that im fine.
i need ur advice and let me know if im missing out on something, i also want to know which city in india is safe n has job oppotunities for girls.thanks

- sgc - 04-08-2014 08:52 PM

Oh Great ! God bless you !

- DERP - 04-08-2014 08:55 PM

Kik me, I'm going through the same problem. Both of us can talk this out.

My kik is: kahxl

If you don't have kik facebook message me:

- elizabeth - 04-08-2014 08:57 PM

You've got your hands full, don't you? I honestly feel bad for you and wish you the best. I would find a way to sneak out of college one day to call upon a psychiatrist. Tell him/her about your mother. Ask for suggestions. Keep in mind your rights. Being an adult, she does not have this control over you. I would run away. Your plan sounds pretty good, although I would suggest carrying a small weapon, like a knife. You never know what could happen. I live in America so I would not know which cities are best for women.

Study up on law policies beforehand, making sure she doesn't still have some custody over you.

- Vinod - 04-08-2014 09:00 PM

hey after hearing your problem i think your mom is too overprotective. Before you leave the house you should tell your mother that if she doesn't go to a psychiatrist your will leave the house. If her behavior changes within a few months then fine otherwise leave. But stay in mumbai its the safest. and get a really sharp knife. As you are an adult she cannot give a police complaint. Your mother has become too obsessed with your safety. If she troubles you after leaving the house, you can get a court order against her that will stop her from coming near you. But like i said before give her an ultimatum. To either go to a psychiatrist or you will leave the house. Be very careful because if she has a psychological problem you are in danger. Kind of like francis gomes. I would love to run away with you !!! take care. Contact me if you want to talk

- Ajay D - 04-08-2014 09:10 PM

If you do not get a job soon after leaving, what will happen.