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How do I focus on a topic for a blog? - Printable Version

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How do I focus on a topic for a blog? - Mily - 04-08-2014 08:48 PM

I've been thinking about starting a blog. However, mostly what I would be writing would be considered a "lifestyle" blog - pretty much just all about me, the journey I'm on, things I learn and experience, etc. However, I'm feeling a bit apprehensive about it. A lot of blogs I come across seem to be more focused. They may talk about parenting or crafting or gaming or DIY or fashion, etc. Mine would just be about me.

So, I need some advice. Do I need a better focus? What types of blogs do you enjoy reading?


- Fahad - 04-08-2014 08:52 PM

Focus anything that doesn't matter but try to capture and make ur articles according to ur culture to catch people