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Uhh. Should I be suspicious about my boyfriend?? - Printable Version

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Uhh. Should I be suspicious about my boyfriend?? - Jojo - 04-08-2014 08:49 PM

Today we texted all day long like we normally do. He gets off work at 6:30 and usually texts me before he leaves and then a little after 7 when he gets home. Today he didn't text me at 6:30 and then not until 8. He said his phone had died.

I find it weird bc I stayed with him last night and he charged his phone all night. And he doesn't have any social media. So if he's not using his phone except for texting when he has free time at work. How can it completely die?
This has happened twice recently compared to never.

Does this sound as suspicious as I think it does?

- AprilNay - 04-08-2014 08:51 PM

That does sound weird if he charged it that night but I wouldn't worry unless this continues to happen alot and more often then I would ask him

- JMK - 04-08-2014 08:52 PM

No. It sounds like you have some trust issues with your boyfriend, and whether these feelings are merited or not they will not help your relationship get better. If you feel like you're always paranoid and on edge in a relationship there's bound to be conflict and unhappiness. Try to build some trust with your boyfriend by hanging out more face-to-face and not relying too much on phone conversations to keep you guys linked.

Here's a good article about trust building: Big Grin